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Steve McIntyre, and Donald Stalnaker have developed tools for physical therapy rehab and athletic stretching/strengthening. We have trade marked the name “P/T Assist” to our line of products. 




Donald had rotator cuff surgery late last year and after his first rehab he noticed that his wrists and elbows were sore from the stretching exercises. He discussed with his therapist that the rod he was using would work better if the ends were flexible. Knowing that I was an engineer and a longtime friend, Donald told me of the idea to make a bar with jointed ends. We discussed the general size and properties that we thought the device should have and I proceeded to design a prototype bar that Donald showed his physical therapist. From that point on Donald and I worked in conjunction with his PT to develop more and more features into the product line to enhance its capabilities.


Donald tells me, as a patient that has used our products for his personal rehab, he has a very different perspective as to how beneficial the jointed bar enabled him to increase his flexibility, also allowing greater range of movements without stressing the accompanying wrist and elbow joints.  The screw in ball weights provide a secure method of increasing resistance.


These exercise and physical therapy bars are a professional answer to wooden rods and PVC pipes.


Product Description:


Short Bar- ergonomically allows shoulder rotations without stress to wrists and elbows, comes in lightweight aluminum. Has center and end tapped hole to add screw-in weights to provide more resistance.

Long bar- Also allows shoulder rotations and different stretches without stress to the wrists and elbows, comes in lightweight aluminum. Has (5) tapped holes to add weight to either side of the bar or to the center, weight can also be screwed into the handles.

Aluminium bars are very light weight would be beneficial to users recovering from surgery or patients that are weak.

Weights- round steel balls from ½ ib. up to 3 lb. sizes. weights can be screwed together to provide different combinations.

Weight straps- screw-in eye nuts with straps, allow weights to be used in your hand with a safety strap. 

Forearm wrist roll strap- connects to the center of the long bar and to round weights for wrist/forearm rolls

Wrist/forearm rotation- we have a 12" bar that weights can be screwed into the end to strengthen the wrist


Applications :


Besides the benefits to shoulder rehabilitation and other physical therapy exercises, we believe that these bars would be great stretching tools for any type of athlete or exercise. (baseball, football, hockey, swimmers, tennis, golf)  Its rigidly allows for pushing and pulling that you can’t get from stretch bands or towels. Weights can be added to the bars to increase stretching resistance, there is nothing like this in industry.





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